Robinson R44 Raven I

284 looks fabulous in white and has a much greater presence than any metallic chopper paint finish, the bose head sets are a great addition, you’ll be amazed at what a difference they make to your journey!

284 has 6.5 years and just over 800 hours remaining, at just £155,000 VAT Paid 284 represents fantastic value for money, on top of that a new set of M.R. blades were fitted in 2008, they have flown approximately 160 hours – when the hull expires you will be left with a set of blades with approx 2 years and 1200 hrs remaining (which will add roughly £10k to its expired value!)

It is also VAT Paid which is a great thing for a private pilot – we are looking for offers based on £155,000 VAT Paid, and as usual we’ll put any sensible offers forward for the owner’s consideration.

As with all our aircraft viewings, we’ll arrange to meet you and show you around. If you are coming from abroad, then we’ll meet you at a convenient airport and as usual with all aircraft that Fly Q sell, we’ll help you with any exporting, shipping and delivery issues. We love to deliver aircraft all over Europe, and we recommend road transport only as a last resort.